Page:Native Tribes of South-East Australia.djvu/156

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Classes. Totems. Local Divisions.
Kari—emu Miduga swallow Kurnara—the northern part of the peninsula south of Wallaroo, Kadina, and Clinton
Bolara mullet
Waltha wild turkey
Murtu magpie
Winta mopoke
Waldaru lark
Kadli dingo
Waui—red kangaroo All totems together with the class name are extinct. Windera—the eastern part of the peninsula
Wiltu—eagle-hawk Wortu wombat Wari—the western part of the peninsula
Wolda wallaby
Nantu kangaroo
Multa seal
Gua crow
Wilthuthu—shark Maiabado wild goose Dilpa—the extreme part of the peninsula
Willi pelican
Kangburra butter-fish
Monditu sting-ray
Walaltu whiting

I have added to this table the local divisions in order to show at a glance how the class organisation and the local organisation cover the same ground.

The Narrinyeri tribe[1] was divided into eighteen local clans, each inhabiting a different tract of country. That is to say, in each of fourteen there was one totem only; in three there were three each, and in one there were two. From this we see that the process was nearly complete, of confining one totem to one locality. In the Narrang-ga tribe it was complete, but in the Narrinyeri it was in process of completion. In this process of localisation the class or sub-class, which from a process of analogy we may well believe once existed, must have died out. With the Wurunjerri it was the totems all but one which disappeared, the class names having survived. In the following table are the totems, each of which represents a clan, with the exceptions before mentioned.

The names of the clans are such as might have been at

one time totems. For instance, Piltinyeri, which means

  1. Kornar="man," inyeri="belonging to or of."—Rev. G. Taplin and Mr. F. W. Taplin.