Page:Native Tribes of South-East Australia.djvu/244

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had been promised went for her, accompanied by his totemic comrades.[1]

The sub-class marriage rule in the Unghi tribe was as follows:—

Male Marries Children are
Hipai Kubutha Muri and Mata
Kombo Mata

Kubi and Kubutha

Muri Butha Hipai and Hipatha
Kubi Hipatha Kombo and Butha

The system of four sub-classes with descent in the female line is succeeded in southern Queensland by four other sub-classes with male descent. These continue to somewhere about Rockhampton, and are succeeded by tribes having also four sub-classes, but with descent in the female line. Of these latter I take the Kuinmurbura tribe which lived in the peninsula between Broad Sound and Shoalwater Bay as the representatives. The following table gives the marriages of the sub-classes and totems:—

Male Marries Children are
Kurpal eagle-hawk Karilburan hawk Munal hawk
Kurpal laughing-jackass Karilburan hawk Munal curlew
Kuialla eagle-hawk Munalan hawk Karilbura hawk
Kuialla laughing-jackass Munalan curlew Karilbura curlew
Karilbura curlew Kurpalan laughing-jackass Kuilla laughing-jackass
Karilbura water Kurpalan eagle-hawk Kuilla eagle-hawk
Karilbura wallaby Kurpalan laughing-jackass Kuilla laughing-jackass
Karilbura hawk Kurpalan eagle-hawk Kuilla eagle-hawk
Munal curlew Kuiallan laughing-jackass Kurpalan laughing-jackass
Munal water Kuiallan laughing-jackass Kurpalan laughing-jackass
Munal hawk Kuiallan eagle-hawk Kurpalan eagle-hawk
  1. A. L. P. Cameron.
  2. W. H. Flowers.