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After having traced such a burrow “ for the distance of ten feet, and having just delved down upon it so as to perceive it still continuing its course up the bank, the beak and head of a Water Mole were seen protruding for an instant from the upper part, as if it had been disturbed from its repose, and had come down to see what we were about with its habitation. It only remained for an instant; for as soon as it beheld us... . it immediately turned up to take refuge in that


part of the burrow which yet remained unexplored. In turning round, however, it was seized by the hind-leg and dragged out. The animal appeared very much alarmed when it was hauled out of its subterraneous dwelling; .... it uttered no sound, nor did it attempt to bite; and proved to be a full-grown female. When I held the unfortunate Ornithorhynchus in my hands its bright little eyes glistened, and the orifices of the ears were expanded and contracted alternately, as if eager to catch the slightest sound,