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Dansk. Overs.—Oversight over det kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Forhandlingar. 8vo. Copenhagen.

Nyt. Mag.—Nyt Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne. 8vo. Christiania.

Svensk. Handl—Konglika Svenska Yetenskaps Academiens Handlingar. 4to. Stockholm.

Up. N. Act.—Nova Acta Regiæ Societatis Upsaliensis. 4to. Upsala.

Videns. Med.—Videnskabelige Meddelelser, fra den Naturhistoriske Forening i Kjöbenhavn. 8vo. Copenhagen and Leipsic.

Botanical Bibliography.


Alefeld, Dr.Hypechusa, novum genus Viciearum ("Botanische Zeitung," 1860, p. 165). Founded upon a few species of Vicia (V. hybrida, lutea, and others).
——— Ueber Pisum ("Bot. Zeit.," 1860, p. 204–5). Dr. Alefeld considers all the forms of Pea which have been specifically distinguished to belong to P. sativum, of which he regards P. elatius (M. Bieb.) as the parent stock. Pisum frigidum (Lathyrus frigidus, Sch. and K.), is the second and only other species of Pisum. P. maritimum is a species of Orobus.
——— Ein Wacholderbaum ("Bot. Zeit,," 1860, p. 325). The author describes an arborescent female Juniper growing at the village of Niedernhausen, near Darmstadt, about 30 feet in height, with a circumference near the base of about 20 inches.
Archer, William.—On the value of Hairs, as a character in determining the limits of subordinate groups of species, considered in connexion with the genera Eurybia (Cass.) and Olearia (Mönch.), of Compositæ.—"Journ. Proc. Linn. Soc." (Bot.), vol. v., p. 17–25. The author groups the species of Eurybia and Olearia, fifty-two in number, under five sections, based on the form and character of the hairs of the leaves. The characters of the pappus and hairs of the achenes are minutely detailed, and their relation to the foregoing sections indicated by a tabulated Conspectus. Mr. Archer's Sections are:—1. Dicerotricha, Foliorum pili T-formes, vel divaricato-furcati. 2. Astrotricha, Foliorum pili stellati. 3. Eriotricha, Foliorum pili lanati. 4. Adenotricha, Folia viscosa, plerumque glanduloso-pilosa. 5. Merismotricha, Foliorum pili septati.

Arndt, R.—Ueber Triticum acutum, D. C. ("Flora," 1860, p. 481–9). The author points out the distinctions between this plant and T. junceum, and remarks on the absence of connecting links with that species. He does not regard it as a hybrid between T.junceum and T.