Page:Natural History Review (1861).djvu/31

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wild sheep, which, according to Middendorf ("Sibirische Reise," p. 116), occurs in the coast-mountain chain of the Sea of Ochotsk, and might therefore be naturally supposed to inhabit also the ranges of Amoorland.

50. Ovis aries.—In domesticity.

51. Antilope crispa.—A pair of horns, obtained from the natives on the Lower Amoor, seem to belong to this Japanese species, which is said to occur in the coast-chain of Amoorland.

52. Bos taurus.—In domesticity.

53. Moschus moschiferus.—The Musk-deer is found in the mountainous regions of Amoorland, and occurs also in Sachalin.

54. Cervus capreolus.—Dr. von Schrenck agrees with Middendorf, after comparing examples of the Roe from Siberia and Amoorland with those of Europe, in considering Pallas' Cervus pygargus as merely a variety inseparable specifically from the European C. capreolus.

55. Cervus tarandus.—The Rein-deer occurs wild in the northern parts of Amoorland, and commonly in Sachalin, and is also a domestic animal among the nomadic Tungusians.

56. Cervus elaphus.—The Red deer of Amoorland is rather larger in size than the European, and of brighter and gayer colouring in summer and in winter. As is the case with the Roe deer, it does not appear to extend into the island of Sachalin.

57. Cervus alces.—The Elk is most common on the Lower Amoor, resorting to the dense marshy thickets. It likewise does not seem to occur in Sachalin.

58. Equus caballus. In domesticity.
59. Equus asinus.

60. Trichecus rosmarus.—The teeth of the Walrus, received from the north, are an article of commerce among the natives.

61. Phoca nummularis.—This Japanese seal is common on the coast, and ascends the mouths of the Amoor.

62. Phoca barbata, Müll.

63. Phoca ochotensis (Pallas).—These two seals are also found on the coast. The little P. ochotensis very seldom enters the mouths of the river.

64. Phoca equestris, Pall.—A skin of this scarce seal was also obtained in the Gulf of Tartary; and full details concerning this little-known animal are furnished from four examples, obtained by Herr Wosnessenski on the eastern coast of Kamschatka.

65. Otaria ursina.—Pieces of the skin of this animal were often seen in the hands of the natives. It occurs on the coasts of the southern half of Sachalin, and on those of the seas of Ochotsk and Tartary.

66. Delphinapterus leucas (Pall.)—Ascends the Amoor regularly, upon the breaking up of the ice, and penetrates to a distance of 400 wersts up the stream.

67. Balæniptera longimana.

68. Balæna australis.—These two cetaceans are probably those which occur on the coast.