Page:Natural History Review (1861).djvu/317

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  1. f. From point of middle lobe to hinder
    end of the brain
in Man 48, in Chimpanzee 34 = 1 to ⋅7
  1. g. Cerebral radii, occipital
33,23 = 1 to ⋅7
  1. h. frontal
43,29 = 1 to ⋅67
  1. i. parietal
39,26 = 1 to ⋅66
  1. j. vertical
46,29 = 1 to ⋅63
  1. k. Projection of cerebrum beyond
6,5 = 1 to ⋅83
  1. l. Extreme breadth
in Man 36, in Chimpanzee 30 = 1 to ⋅73
  1. m. length
24,16 = 1 to ⋅66
  1. n. depth
14,8 = 1 to ⋅57

Table II.

Ratios between the dimensions of different parts of the Encephalon, in Man and in the Chimpanzee.


a to b in Man 1 to 1⋅3 in Chimpanzee 1 to 1⋅2
a to c 1 to ⋅9 1 to ⋅74
c to b 1 to 1⋅44 1 to 1⋅5
d to f 1 to 2⋅03 1 to 2⋅26
m to l in Man 1 to 1⋅5 in Chimpanzee 1 to 1⋅83
m to n 1 to ⋅57 1 to ⋅5
n to l 1 to 2⋅57 1 to 3⋅75
Cerebrum and Cerebellum.
m to b in Man 1 to 2⋅75 in Chimpanzee 1 to 2⋅7
n to c 1 to 3⋅2 1 to 3⋅6
l to a 1 to 1⋅39 1 to 1⋅23

Medulla and Cerebrum.

  1. Breadth of Medulla oblongata to
    that of cerebrum
in Man 1 to 7, in Chimpanzee 1 to 5⋅7

N.B.—All the above measurements, except those of the medulla, were taken by aid of the intra-cranial casts. They necessarily differ from those taken from the brain itself by various anatomists. Such measurements as relate to internal parts will be given hereafter.

The Fissures, Lobes and Convolutions. The Sylvian fissure, more vertical than in man, even in the preserved Chimpanzee's brain, fig. 4, S, appears still more so in the cast, fig. 3; but in the cast of the human brain it is, also, somewhat more upright than in the preserved specimens, though not so much as in the Ape. The fissure of Rolando, figs. 4, 5, R, is very distinct in the Chimpanzee's brain, passing obliquely forwards from the longitudinal fissure, in a zigzag line, and separating the first ascending convolution, fig. 5,4,4′, from the second ascending convolution 5,5′. The V-shaped figure which the two fissures of Rolando make, where they unite with the longitudinal