Page:Natural History Review (1861).djvu/343

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Muller, Eritz. — Das Kolonialnervensystem der Moosthicre, nach-

gewiesen an Serialaria Coatinhii, n. sp. "Wiegm. Arch. I. 1860.

p. 311. Murray, A. — Notice regarding the Branchial Sac of the simple

Ascidiae. E. S. E. Proc. 1860, p. 271. On Darwin's Theory of the Origin of Species. E. S. E. Proc.

1860, p. 274. Wallich, G-. C. — On the Siliceous Organisms found in the digestive

cavities of the Salpce, and their relation to the Elint Nodules of

the Chalk Formation. Transactions Mic. Soc. in Q. J. Mic. Sc.

viii. p. 36.


1. Actinozoa.

Daxielsen. — Om. — Virgularia elegans, n. sp.

„ „ Pennatula aculeata, n. sp. ?

„ „ Cerianthus borealis, n. sp.

„ „ Sipunculus pyriformis, n. sp.

Edwards, H. Milne. — Histoire naturelle des Coralliaires, ou polypes proprement dits. Vol. iii. 8vo. Paris. Plain, 8s ; col. 10s 6d A complete monograph of the Zoantharia, Bugosa and Alcyo- naria. All the species and genera of these groups known to the author are fully described. There is a general introduction on the organization of the Polypes. These form the class Coralliaria, divided into the sub-classes Cnidaria and Podactinaria. The Cnidaria include two orders, Alcyonaria and Zoantharia. Of Alcyonaria are distinguished three families, Alcyonidcd, Gorgo- nidce, and Pennatulidce. In this order Prof. Milne Edwards establishes a new genus, Haimeia, in honour of his recently deceased colleague. The single species, IL.funebris, has a fur- ther interest in being the only recorded example of a solitary Alcyonarian. The Zoantharia are arranged under three sub- orders : Malacodermata, Sclerobasica, and Sclerodermata. All the Malacodermata are divided into two families, the Actiniadce, with tentacles alternate, and the Cerianthiidce, having two rows of opposite tentacula. This portion of the work is, perhaps, the least perfect in its systematic details. Of Sclerobasica there is but one family, Antipathidce. The numerous families of Sclero- dermata fall under five principal sections : Aporosa, Perforata, Tubulosa, Tabulata, and Rugosa. The sub-class Podactinaria is equivalent to the family Lucernariadae of other authors.

A short chapter is added on the geographical distribution of the Polypes.

There are, also, three fasciculi of Plates, representing some of the forms described in the text.