Page:Natural History Review (1861).djvu/356

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branches into the interior of the spaces, and which by their anas- tomoses constitute a rather loose plexus, in the midst of which in some cases a central space is left. Among these capillaries and in connection with them, and with the connective tissue of the septa, is found an extremely close, but at the same time very delicate network composed, if not exclusively, yet for the most part of anastomosing cells ; and in the meshes of this plexus the well known forms of Lymph- corpuscles are lodged.

This fine network, was supposed by Eckhard to represent a system of serous canals communicating directly with the blood vessels. But Heidenhain, was unable to trace any communication of the kind by means of injection, and Prof. His, has fully satisfied himself, after numerous observations, that no such connexion really exists.

A minute account of the structure of the Thymus gland is given, and the results of the author's and of Friedleben's observa- tions respecting its functions are stated. Prof. His considers that lymph- corpuscles are continually formed by the division of the cell-like bodies contained in the capsules of the acini, and that these corpuscles gradually find their way into the central canal, and are conveyed by special canals into the lymphatics, and ultimately into the blood where they are converted into red corpuscles.

Ordenstein, L. — Ueber den Parotidspeichel des Menschen. Eck- hard's Beitrag. z. An. u. Phys. ii. p. 101.

Pappenheim, M. — Etude des vaisseaux lymphatiques. Compt. rend. L. p. 70.

Pavt, Frederick W. — On the alleged sugar-forming function of the Liver. Proc. Eoy. Soc. x. p. 528, 531. (Abstract).

Turner, Wm. — On the employment of transparent injections in the examinations of the minute structure of the Human Pancreas. Q. J. M. S. p. viii. p. 147.

Upon the Thyroid Grland in the Cetacea, with observations

on the relation of Thymus to the Thyroid in these and certain other Mammals. E. S. E. Trans, xxii. 2. p. 319.

5. Generation and Reproduction.

Adamson", Johist. — Case of Lactation in an Unimpregnated Bitch.

Eep. Brit. Ass. 1859. Trans. Sect. p. 159. Barthelemt, A. — Etudes et considerations generales sur la Parthe-

nogenese. Ann. Sc. Nat. xii. p. 308.

The author has observed that some of the ova laid by the virgin

JBombyx Mori, in the early part of the year are fertile — but not

in the autumn. He has also noticed three fertile ova among

those deposited by a virgin Ghelonia Caja. Bilharz, Alfons. — Beschreibung der Grenitalorgane einiger schwar-

zen Eunuchen, nebst Bemerkungen uber die Beschneidung der

clitoris und kleinen Schamlippen. Z. W. Z. x. p. 281. (c. fig.)