Page:Natural History Review (1861).djvu/367

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Listek, W. — Fossil Footprints in the New Keel Sandstone, near

Wolverhampton. Geol. 1860. Logan, W. E. — Fossil track of an animal in the Potsdam Sandstone.

Canad. Nat. and Greol. v. 3. i On additional Fossil tracks in the Potsdam Sandstone of

Canada. Can. Journ. 1860, p. 469. Lory, Cn. and Pillet. — Sur la presence de Numniulites dans certains

Gres de la Maurienne et des Hautes-Alpes. C. rend. xlix.

p. 187. Loey, Ch. — Sur un gisement de Numniulites en Maurienne. Soc.

Geol. Bull. xvii. p. 481. Lossen, C— Leber einige Lituiten. D. G. Z. xii. p. 13. Lttdwig, E.-— Fossile Pnanzen d. Bheinisch-Witterauer Tertiarfor-

mation. 29 plates. Palaeont. viii. 4-5. Lycett, Jno. — Note on Trigonia co?7iposita, Lye. Geol. Journ. xvi.

p. 16. Lyell, C. — Antiquity of the Human Eace. Phil. Acad. Journ. xi.

p. 129. Lyon, S. S. and Cassiday, S. A. — New Palaeozoic Crinoidea from

Indiana and Kentucky. Sill. Journ. January 1860, p. 68. M'Bain, J. — Fossil Bird bones from New Zealand. Ed. Phil. Journ.

1860, July. Mackie, S. J. — Common Fossils of the British Bocks. Greol. iii. p. 1. 1 Fossil Flint Implements. Greol. iii. p. 404, and Greol. Ass.

Proc. No. 5, p. 55. Martens, E. y. — Die classischen Conchylien-Namen. Wurteinb.

Jahr. xvi. 2. Meek, F. B. and F. V. Hayden.— Descriptions of new Fossil Ee-

mains, collected in Nebraska and Utah, by the Exploring Expe- ditions under the command of Capt. J. H. Simpson, of TJ. S.

Topographical Engineers. Phil. Acad. Proc. 1860, p. 308. Descriptions of new Carboniferous Fossils from Illinois and

other Western States. Phil. Acad. Proc. 1860, p. 447.

Descriptions of new Organic Eemains from the Tertiary,

Cretaceous, and Jurassic Eocks of Nebraska. Phil. Acad. Proc. 1860, p. 175. (Sillim. Journ. Jan. 1860, p. 33.) Systematic Catalogue, with Synonyms, &c. of Jurassic, Cre- taceous and Tertiary Fossils collected in Nebraska, by the Explor- ing Expeditions under the command of Lieut. Gr. K. Warren, of U. S. Topographical Engineers. Phil. Acad. Proc. 1860, p. 417.

and A. H. Wortiien. — Descriptions of new species of

Crinoidea and Echinoidea, from the Carboniferous Eocks of Illinois, and other Western States. Phil. Acad. Proc. 1860, p. 379. Meyer, Herm. v.- — Fossil Salainandridae of Bohemia. Geol. Journ. xvi. (Transl. and Notices, p. 16.) (From Proc. Imp. Geol. Inst. Vienna.)