Page:Natural History Review (1861).djvu/384

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Howaed, J. E. — Illustrations of the Nueva Quinologia of Pavon. Parts 5 and 6, with 6 plates. Pol. London, 1860.

Htjet, A. — Sur diverses plantes decouvertes dans le Department du Var. Bull. Soc. Botan. Tom. vii. pp. 344-6.

Jamais, Alex. — Sur une excursion scientifique aux environs de Cherbourg en Juin 1859. Bull. Soc. Botan. Tom. vii. pp. 157-164.

Jaeden", Edel. — Supplement au Zephyritis taitensis de Guillemin. Mem. Soc. Sc. Nat. Cherbourg, vii. pp. 239-244.

Kaesten, H. — Plora3 Coluinbise Terrarumque adjacentium specimina selecta. Tom. i. Ease. 3. Berlin, 1860. Polio. 20 plates.

Marssonia, a new genus of Primulacese with the habit of Cyrtandrese, is described.

Kaesten, Heematcn — Zur Parthenogenesis. Bot. Z. 1860, 387-8. Observations on a criticism of Schleiden's upon Dr. Karsten's omitting to notice the persistence of the stigma in his remarks upon the occurrence of normal fertilization in Coelebogne (in ' Das Geschlechtsleben der Pflanzen und die Parthenogenesis').

Keenee, A. — Niederosterreichische "Weiden. Yien. Z. B. V. 1860. Separatabdruck, pp. 160.

Chamitea, g. n. is founded upon Salix reticulata.

Die Eormationen immergriiner Ericineen in den nordlichen

Kalkalpen. (Schluss.) Pt. 3. Bonpl. viii. Jahrg. pp. 305-8.

Kieschlegee, Ee. — Observations sur la derniere livraison des anno- tations a la flore de Erance et d'Allemagne de M. C. Billot. Bull. Soc. Botan. Tom. vii. pp. 375-381.

Elore d' Alsace. 3e volume. 2epartie. Guide du botaniste

herborisateur a travers 1' Alsace et les montagnes des Vosges. 12mo. Strasbourg, 1860.

Klotzsch, Ee. — Linne's Natiirliche Pflanzenklasse Tricoccce des Ber- liner Herbarium's im AEgemeinen und die naturliche Ordnung Euphorbia cece insbesondere. Berlin, 1860. 4to. pp. 108. (Aus Abh. K. Ak. Wissen.).

Under the head of ' Tricocca,' Linnaeus, in i Philosophica Bo- tanica' (1751) grouped, on the ground of their close natural affinity, a number of genera for which A. L. de Jussieu, in his 1 Grenera Plantarum' (1791) proposed the name JSujihorbice, and which constitute, with the additions since made to them, the Euplwrbiacece of most recent writers.

Prof. Klotzsch, with his colleague Dr. Grarcke, proposes to break up the group into six ' natural orders,' viz. (uni- ovulate) Euphorbiacea?, Peraceas, Acalyphacese, (bi- rarely uni- ovulate), Buxacese, Phyllanthacea?, Antidesmacese.

His Order Euphorbiacese, based upon the genus JEttphorbia as commonly received, Pedilanthus and Anthostema, is to consist of 19 genera, the section Euphorbiese, EX and Grk. including 15, viz. (A. Anisophylla3 — Involucri lobimembranacei,basi callo varii- formi (glandula) instructi). Anisophyllum, Haw., Alectoroctonum, Schlecht, Tricherosterigma, Kl. and Gk., Eumecanthus, EX and