Page:Natural History Review (1861).djvu/389

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JDomeyJcoa (TJmbellifersB), Urmenetea, CJiondrochilus, Gypotham- nium, Oxyphyllum, Jobapkes, Bolycladus, Bracliyandra, Vazquezia, (Composite), Varasia (Gentians), Rhopalostigma, Waddingtonia (Solanaoete). Puel, T. — Specimen d'un Catalogue des Plantes vasculaires de Prance. Bull. Soc. Botan. Tom. vii. pp. 269-273.

Bevue critique de la Flore du Departement du Lot. Bull.

Soc. Botan. Tom. vii pp. 373-5. Eamokd, A. — Sur le Brassica des falaises de Norinandie, Bull. Soc.

Botan. Tom. vii. pp. 339-312. Kegel, E. — Beobachtungen ueber Viola epipsila, Ledeb. Moskau,

1860, 4 pp. Eegel, E. and H. Tiling. —Elorula Ajanensis. Aufzahlung der in der Umgegend von Ajan wildwachsenden Phanerogamen unci hoheren Cryptogamen, nebst Beschreibung einiger neuer Arten unci kritischen Bemerkungen uber verwandte Pllanzen- Arten. — Nouv. Mem. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou. Tom. xi. pp. 1-137.

Ajan is a factory of the Busso- American Company, on the sea of Ochotsk, 56° 28' N. lat, 138° 29' E. long.

This Elorula is based upon collections made by Dr. Tiling in the immediate neighbourhood of the factory during the five years (from 1816-1851) he was stationed there as medical officer.

It was the intention of the late C. A. Meyer to have worked up these materials in conjunction with Dr. Tiling ; in consequence of his decease, however, they have been elaborated by M. Eegel.

An introductory essay by Dr. Tiling on the physical features of Ajan and neighbourhood, is prefixed to the descriptive portion of the work. The phanerogams of this Elorula belong to 58 Natu- ral Orders, of which Composite furnishes the largest number of representatives. Then follow Banunculacea?, Cruciferse, Eosacea?, and Cyperaceas. The species of these five Orders amount to more than one-third of the total. Sixteen Orders are represented by solitary species. The new genera described are Tilingia (Umbel- liferse, near Cnidiuni) and Kruhsea (Sinilaceae) founded on Smila- cina streptopoides, Ledb. 351 species are enumerated, includino- Eerns and Lycopods. Beixsch, Paul.— Morphologische Mittheilungen (Schluss). TJeber die dreierlei Arten der Blatter der Sagittaria sagittcefolia, L. Ueber die Bildung der Triebe an dem stamme der Draba aizoides, L. Mora, 1860, pp. 710-3.

Morphologische Mittheilungen. Flora, 1S60, pp. 721-726.

"With 1 plate.

1. Notice of the occurrence of Bagus sylvatica, with three coty- ledons. 2. Elorets formed by the union of two hermaphrodite ones in the female capitula of Betasites officinalis. 3. An abnormal example of Cirsium lanceolatum. Sacks, Julius. — Physiologische Untersuchungen liber die Abhan-