Page:Natural History Review (1861).djvu/398

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SchwexbeneBj S. — Untersuchungen fiber den Elechten- thallus. Yon Dr. S. Schweiidener. Erster Theil, Die Strauchartigen Elechten ; mit 7 lithogr. Tafeln. Leipzig, Engelmann, 1860.

The autlior commences with the genus Usnea, describing the structure of the thallus, the division into medullary and cortical tissue, the nature of that tissue, the gonidia, the soredia, and the mode of attachment of the thallus to its support, and adds some remarks upon the nature of some species or varieties of the genus. He then treats of some other fruticulose Lichens, viz., Bryopogon, Cornicularia, Cetraria, Eamalina, Evernia, Hogenia, Spharophorus, Eoccella, Thamnolia, Cladonia, Stereocaulon, and Lichina. The Part concludes with a collection of the genera, and a description of the plates. Stenhammeb. — Exsiccater af Svenska Lafrar. Ofvers. Stockholm, 1859.

4. iPungi.

Bail. — Ueber die Myxogasteres Er. (Myxomycetes Walbroth), von Dr. Tli. Bail, mit einer Tafel. xxi. Yien. Z. B. Y. Band ix. p. 31. The author observed the process of development of Lycogala miniatum, JPhysarum columbinum, and JEthalimn septicum, and arrived at the following conclusions : That the Myxogastres have no true mycelium ; that the fruit capsules do not consist of a true membrane, and are not composed of cells, but are formed by the confluence of sarcode threads, and by the hardening of the muci- lage ; that the spores are not produced on basidia, or in asci, or in niother-cells, properly so called ; that the spores, when placed in water, do not emit germ-filaments, but the primordical utricle escapes from the ruptured spore in the form of a contractile ciliated motile organism.

He concludes that De Bary has rightly considered the Myxo- gastres as belonging to the Bhizopoda. Baela. — Descriptions et figures de quatre especes de champignons, par J. B. Barla, de Nice, M. de 1* Acad, de Nat. Cur. Nov. Act. Yol. xix. (Jenae, 1860).

This paper contains descriptions, accompanied by coloured plates, of a hew Agaric of the tribe Elammula, two new Boleti, and a new Clavaria. Baby, A. de. — Die Mycetozoen. 5 plates. Z. w. Z. x. 1.

Ueber Schwarmsporenbilduug bei einigen Pilzen. Sep. Abdk.

a. d. Ber. Nat. (xes. Ereiburg, 1860.

This paper relates to the discovery by the author of Zoospores in Eungi. The species to which the observations relate are Cys- topus candidus, Cystopus cubicus, and Peronospora devastatrix.

A translation of the paper, with illustrative figures, has ap- peared in the Annales d. Sciences Naturelles. Bebkeley. — Outlines of British Eungology, containing characters of