Page:Natural History Review (1861).djvu/403

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and some remarks upon the identity of Trichodcrma viride with Hygocrea nifa, and upon the conidia of Hypocrea delicatula, Tul. (a new species), and of Cordyceps ophioglossoides, Pers. Westekdorp. — Sixieme notice sur quelques Cryptogames inedites ou nouvelle pour la Flore Beige ; par Gr. D. Westendorp. Bul- letin de l'Academie Eoyale de Belgique. 2 ser. vol vii.

This paper is a continuation of others, which have appeared in the 12th, 18th, 19th, and 21st vols, of the first series, and in the 2nd vol. of the 2nd series of the Eeports of the Belgian Aca- demy. It describes (besides some Mosses and Lichens from Lux- embourg and Hainault), a number of Pyrenomycetes, including a new species of Cordyceps, eleven new species of Sphseria, two new species of Pestalozzia, two new species of Macroplodia ; two new species of Staurosphseria ; and two new species of Phoma. Some observations on the nature of ergot will be found at p. 80.

5. Algce.

Archer. — On the occurrence of Zoospores in the family Desmidi- acese, by William Archer. Natural Hist. Review, and Quarterly Journal of Science, July, 1860. Quarterly Journal of Microsco- pical Science, October, I860.

Arnott.— On Cyclotella, by G. A.Walker Arnott. Q. J. M. S. October, 1860. Vol. viii. p. 244.

Brady, Geo. S. — A Catalogue of the Marine Algae of Northumber- land and Durham. Tynes. Trans, iv. p. 266.

Brightwell. — On some of the rarer or undescribed species of Dia- tornaceaa. Part II. By T. Brightwell, F.L.S. Q. J. M. S. Jan. 1860. Vol. viii. p. 93.

Crouan, Freres. — Liste des algues marines decouvertes dans le Finistere depuis la publication des algues de ce departement en 1852. Bull. Soc. Botan. Tom. vii. pp. 367-373:

■ Notice sur le genre Hapalidium, par MM. Crouan freres,

Pharmaciens. Ann. S. N. Vol. xii. p. 284. 4 ser.

The wish (say the authors) to elucidate the characters of the genus Hapalidium, of which the fructification has hitherto been unknown, has induced us to study it ; and we are happy to be able to rectify the characters of the genus, and to make known the two kinds of fructification, as well as to publish three new species.

Genus Hapalidium Kutz. — Phyc. gen. p. 385. Sp. Alg. p. 698. Crouan M. S. char, reform.

Frond calcareous, formed of capillary dichotomous articulate filaments, or of little lobes or flabelliform disks, fixed horizontally, and adherent by all their parts ; stratum simple, formed of cel- lules, arranged in lines radiating towards the periphery, square or rectangular, furnished in the centre with a rosy nucleus, and sur- rounded by a cretaceous border, forming a net- work. Ceramidia not opaque, of two sorts, the one sort enclosing, in the lower part, a mass of elliptical or pyriform spha?rospores, straight, divided

VOL. I. — S, H. R. 3 E