Page:Natural History Review (1861).djvu/410

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G-ennart, Dr. — Cryptogamae vasculares Ligusticre. Mem. Ace. clt Torino, 1859.

Glaser. — Blicke in die Cryptogamenwelt der Ostseeprovinzen. 2. Ab- tlieilung, (Aus den Arckiv fiir die JNatiirkunde Liv.-Ehst-und Kurland's abgedruckt.) Dorpat, 1859. 8vo. (54 pp.) (Glaser.)

Montagne. — Huitierne centurie de plantes cellulaires nouvelles tant indigenes qu'exotiques, par Camille Montagne, D. M. Decades IX et X. Ann. S. N. Tom. xii. pp. 167-192. 4 ser.

This paper contains descriptions of some new Algae, Lichens, and Fungi, including some vegetable productions, found in the mineral waters of Gazost, St. Honor e,Valdieri, Ems and Loueche. The author also calls attention to the mode of growth of the pro- embryonal filaments of Gymnostomum calcareum, which were found forming a green velvety layer on the stone-work of a bath. It will be curious (says the author), to know whether this deve- lopment is normal or exceptional, or dependent upon locality ; and especially whether the plant, under such circumstances, would perfect its development.

Poetsch. — Neue Beitrage zur Kryptogamen- flora Nieder Oester- reichs, von J. S. Poetsch. Wien. Z. B. V. Band ix. p. 127.

Pokornt.— Beitrag zur Flora des ungarischen Tieflandes von Dr. A. Pokorny. Wien Z. B. V. Band x. p. 283.

Eabenhorst. — Cryptogamae vasculares Europeae. Die Gefass. Kryp- togamen Europa's, unter Mitwirkung mehrerer Freunde der Botanik gesammelt und herausg. v. Dr. L. Babenhorst. Fasc. III. No. 51-75. Dresden, 1860. Druck v. Heinrich.

The species published in this fascicle are set out in the Bota- nische Zeitung for July 20, 1860.