Page:Natural History Review (1861).djvu/528

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which supplies the little finger left the rest of the belly, and became tendinous 21/2 inches above the origin of the other tendons.

The Flexor Profundus arose as in man, but had no tendon going to the index finger; as it passed through the annular ligament, the tendon of the middle finger received a slip from the tendon of the Flexor Longus Pollicis (Indicis), and gave one to that of the ring finger; the tendon of the ring finger sent no slip to that of the little finger, but the tendons supplying these fingers arose from the same fascicle of the muscle. In the Grorilla, the index tendon is wanting; and in both the Cebus and Magot the Flexor Profundus and Flexor Longus Pollicis are intimately connected in the palm.

(To be concluded in the next number.)


In the original scheme for this Department of the Natural History Review it was proposed to give, in each number, the Bibliography of all subjects, for the penultimate quarter; and, in the October number, an alphabetical list of Author's names.

It has been found, however, that considerable difficulties oppose the efficient carrying out of this plan with due regularity and accuracy. With the space disposable for the purpose, we have not found it possible to do more than give the Bibliography for the year 1860, and to complete the original programme in the present part, which concludes the volume, with the alphabetical list of Author's names; but we have added an index of the new genera of phanerogamic plants noticed in the Bibliography, which it has been thought would be acceptable to Botanists.

In future the arrangement will be altered, and the Bibliography, disposed under the different heads already adopted, will be distributed in the following manner, in which it is believed that the desirable regularity and accuracy will be more easy of attainment.

The Natural History Review will contain:—

In April: The Bibliography relating to—
I. Zoology, general or mixed.
II. The Vertebrata.
III. The Annulosa.
In July:—I. Mollusca.
II. Cœlenterata.
III. Protozoa.
IV. Physiology and Anatomy.
In October:— I. Botanical Bibliography
1. Phanerogamia.
2. Cryptogamia.
II. Palæontology.
In January:—Alphabetical List of Authors.