Page:Natural History Review (1862).djvu/289

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No. of Species.

Toucon Eiver. The other is usually of a dirty white tint, with, ID general, a dark stripe down the back, and frequents the barren grounds northwards to the Arctic coast. It is of smaller size than the first-mentioned variety, and lives in much larger bands ; indeed, it may possibly be a distinct species.

(VulpinaB.) Genus Vulpes.

6. Vulpes fulvus "N Eed, Silver, and Cross Foxes. Ma-kdy-sis,

var. ftdvtu (of the Cree Indians; Naw-kee-thay,

Vuipes deettssatus Vulpes argentatus

X of the Chipewyan Indians; Pee-sdot-eh, J of the Anderson B-iver Eskimos. This species, in all its varieties, is foimd all over this District to the Arctic coast. They are most ntimerous around the shores of the lakes, and in swampy tracts on the banks of the larger rivers. In the mountain ranges they are rare. The proportions of the various colours killed in the McKenzie District are as follow: — Bed, r^-, Cross, ^; SUver, ^.

6. Vulpes lagopus . White and Blue Foxes. Both these

var. lagopus (varieties inhabit the barren grounds Vulpes fuligvnosus and shores of the Arctic Sea. The latter is exceedingly rare, much more so than the Silver Fox is in the Fulvus species. White Foxes have been killed on the south shore of Great Slave Lake, and one Blue one on the north shore.

Family Mustelida.

Martin 8B.

Glenus Mustela.

7. Mustela americana (Turton). American Sable Marten.

Tha, of the Chipewyan Indians ; Naw'-they, or Naw'-fey, of the Slave Indians. Common wherever there are woods ; but migratory. The farther North that the skin is obtained, the darker the tint of the pelage. On the Youcon Biver they strongly resemble the Siberian Sable.

8. Mustela Fennantii (Erxleben). Fisher. Pecan, of the Cana-

dians ; Tha-cho, or Big Marten, of the Chipewyan Indians ; rare. Kange, up to 62® North.

Genus Putorius.

9. Futorius pusillus (Aud. and Back.). Least Weasel New

York to Big Island, Great Slave Lake. 10. Futorius Gicognani (Bonap ). Small Brown WeaaeL Boston to 62° North : common.

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