Page:Natural History Review (1862).djvu/291

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No. of Species.

22. Ursus maritimua (Liim.). Polar Bear. Nait'-suck of the

Eastern Eskiinos. Common along the Arctic coasts.

n. — Obdes Eodentia. Family Sciuridw,

(Scinrinffi.) Genus Sciurus.

23. Sciurus hud9oniiu (PaUas). Chickaree. Throughout to

within the Arctic circle.

Glenus Pteromys.

24j. Fteramys alpinus (Bichs.). Eocky Mountains Flying SquirreL Found on the mountain ranges of the Liard Biyer : rather' rare.

Genus Tamias.

25. 2imia8 guadrivittaiut || (Bichs.). Missouri Striped Squirrel.

From lat. 33«» 30 to 67<» North : very abundant on the liard Biver.

G^nus Arctomys.

26. Arctomys monax || (Gmelin). Ground Hog. South Carolina

to 62<» North : rare.

27. Arctomys pruinosus (Gmelin). North to Arctic circle : abun-

dant on the mountain ranges. 28 Arctomys Kennicottii (Boss). This I consider to be a new species ; but I may be wrong. It is of small size, and inhabits the Northernmost ranges of the Bocky Mountains.


G^nus Castor.

29. Castor canadensis || (Kuhl). Beaver. Isa, of the Chipewyan Indians. Throughout North America to within the Arctic circle : very abimdant.

Family Murida,

(Murinaa.) Genus Jaculus. do. Jaculus hudsoniusW (Wagler). Jumping Mouse. Pennsyl- vania to Toucon Biver. Common at Portage-la-loche : rare, in McKenzie's Biver.

G^enus Hesperomys. 81. Hesperomys myoides (G^appe^). Hamster Mouse. New York to Arctic Sea. very abundant, east of the Eocky Moimtains : not found westward, on the Youcon Biver. This species is very annoying in dwellings, as it caarries off quantities of sugar, rice, Ac., in its cheek-pouches, to store for its wintOT consumption.

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