Page:Natural History Review (1862).djvu/295

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No. of Species.

♦24. JPicaides darsalUW (Baird). Striped Woodpecker. North to Simpson. But one specimen of what I am disposed to ^consider to be this very rare bird has been seciured. It resembles the P. hirsutus, except that the white is marked on the back in longitudinal instead of lateral lines.

Genus Sphyrapicus. t26. Sphyrapieut variusW (Baird). Yellow-bellied Woodpecker. North to Fort Simpson : common.

Qenus Colaptes. t26. Colaptes auraiu9 (Swain.). Gblden Woodpecker. North to Peers Eiver : common.

G^nuB Hylatomus. 27. Hylatomui pUeatw (3aird?) Black Woodcock. North to Port Liards : rare.

m. — Ordeb Insessobes.

Family Caprimulgidco,

Gtenus Chordeiles. t28. ChfrdeUespopetue(yv^). Night Hawk. North to Lapierre's House: rather rare.

Famihf Alcedinida. G^nus Ceryle. t29. Ceiyle aleyon (Boie). Kingfisher. North to Peel's Biver: common.

Family Clcpierida,


Genus Tyrannus.

30. Tyrannus carolinensis (Baird). King Bird. North to Simp-

son: rare.

Genus Sayomus.

31. Sayomus Sayus (Baird). Says' Flycatcher. North to Simp-

son: rare. t32. Sayomus /ktscus (Baird). Pewee. North to Simpson : rare. Genus Contopus. 33. Contopus horealis (Baird). Oliye-sided Flycatcher. North to Simpson : rare.

Q^nus Empidonax. t34. Empidonax pusillus (Swain.) North to Fort Simpson : rare. t36. Empidonax TraUii, Traill's Flycatcher. North to Fort Eesolu-

tion : rare. t86. Empidonax minimus (Baird). Least Flycatcher. North to

Fort Simpson : conmion.

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