Page:Natural History Review (1862).djvu/297

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280 oRienrAL abticles.

No. of Species.

t61. Dendroica aestiva (Gmelin). Yellow Warbler. North to

Lapierre*8 House : abundant. t52. Dendroica fnacuio9a (Gmelin). Black and yellow "Warbler.

North to Fort Simpaon : rather rare. f53. Dendroica palmarum^ (Gmelin). Tellow red-poU Warbler.

North to Besolution : rare.

G^nus ISfCyiodioctes. 64. My iodi octet puaillus (Wilson). Green black-cap Fly -catcher. North to Lapierre's House : very rare.

Genus Setophaga. •f55. Setophaga ruticilla (Linn.). Eed-start. North to Fort Gt>od Hope : common.

Family Sirundinid^B.

Genus Hirundo. 56. Hirundo Tiorreorum (Barton). Bam Swallow. North to Fort Besolution: rare. t57. Hirundo luniJronaW (Say.). Cliff Swallow. North to Eat B-iver: common. 68. Hirundo hicolor^ (Vieill.) White-bellied Swallow. North to Good Hope : rare.

Genus Cotyle. t69. Ooiyle ripar%a (Linn.). Bank Swallow. North to the Arctic sea : abundant.

Family Bombycillida. Genus Ampelis. •feO. AmpelU garrulu8[ (Linn.). Wax-wing. North to Toucon Biver : not rare. An e^ of this bird has been obtained on the Youcon by Mr. B. Kennicott. I liaye been in- formed by Mr. J. Hope, schoolmaster of the Church Mis- sionary Society, resident at Fort Franklin, on Great Bear Lake, that these birds nest in numbers in that vicmity; but build so high up the trees as to render it diflScult to obtain the eggs. A specimen was shot at Fort Liards in February, which causes me to mark the species as a winter resident.

Family Laniida,

Genus Collyris.

61. Collyris horealia || (Bon.). Northern Shrike. North to Good

Hope : not rare.

62. Collyris ludovicianus ? (Linn.). Logger-head Shrike. Fort

Simpson: rare; doubtful.

(Vieroninae.) Genus Vireo.

63. Vireo olivaceus || (VieilL). Bed-eyed Fly-catcher. North

to Fort Simpson : rare.

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