Page:Natural History Review (1862).djvu/301

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184 OBiencAL auticleb.

No. of Spedei.

QeaxiB LatfopuB.

  • 107. Lagopm albuB (Aud.). White FtarmigaiL NotUi to Arctic

coast: common.

  • 106. Zagopua rupe%tri$ (Leach). Ptarmigan. North to Arctic

coast: rather rare. ^109. Lagopuf UucwrmUBw^). White-taHed Ptarmigan. Kor&

to Lapierre's House in the mountains.

y. — Obseb Objlllatobes.


larnilf Ormdae^

Qenns Ghros. 110. Grui amerujonuiW (Ord). White Crane. North to Fort Simpson: rare, fill. €hru9 oanadenti§ (Temm.). Brown Crane. North to Arotie coast: common. 112. Oru9 fratereuhu (Caasin). North to Toucon Biyer: only west of Bocky MountainB.

G^tn Botanrus. 118. Botaunu hntiginotut (Steph.). Bittern. North to Arctic coast: rare northwsffd.


Famlg Oharadriidm^

Genus Charadrius. 114. OJkaradrimi virpnicuiW (Borck.). Golden Flover. North to Arctic Coast : abundant.

G^us .Sgialitis. 116. .^idlitU $mnipalnuau8 (Cab.). Semipalmated Plover. North to Port Simpson: common.

G^nus SquateKla.

116. SqwOerola hehetiea (Cut.). BliM^-bellied Plover. North to

Fort Simpson : rare.

JEbmify Samatopodida. Gtenus S^^epoks.

117. atrepiilaiinterpre9(J^.). Turnstone. North to Kg Island:


Family Becurnratkida. G^nus Becurvirostra. lis. Seeurvirostra amerieana (Ghnelin). American Avoset* North to Port Bae: rare.

Family FhaUnvpodida.

Genus PhaUropus.

tll9. Phalaropua kyperboreut (Temm.). North to Fort Bae: rare.

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