Page:Natural History Review (1862).djvu/307

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290 ovtamAL abtiolsb.

Ko. of Species. IS7. (hlymhu9 aepienirionaUi^ (JAim.). Bed-throated Diver. To Arctic coast : abundant.


Gknus Podiceps.

tl88. JPodiee^s Oriseigna (Gray). Bed-necked Gbebe. North to

Peel's Biyer : common. tl89. Podiceps eomutut (Latham). Homed Grebe. North to Lapierre's House : common. 190. Fodieeps amitus (Latham). Eared Grebe. Slave Lake : rare. Q^nus Podilymbus, tl91. Podilymbus podiceps (Laur.). Slave Lake: not common.


192. Numeniue hudeonicus (Latham). Hudsonian Curlew. Slave Lake: rare.

II shows specimens were obtained at Fort Simpson.


The Northern range of the birds means the Northernmost Poet at which a specimen has been obtained. I have on hand about 800 specimens yet unexamined, among which a few additional spedes will doubtless be found.

The following other coUeotions have also been made : —

JFish — At Besolution, Big Island, Simpson, Bear Lake, and Liards.

InseeU — ^At Besolution, Simpson, Youcon, Peel's Biver, and Good Hope.

Oeologieal Fouili, ^e. — On Clear Water, Elk, McKemdey Anderson, and Bat Bivers.

Ethnological — In the District generally.

Meteorological Obeervations made, and re^ster kept, atEorts Simp* son, Youcon, Anderson, Bae, Norman, Good Hope, and Bear Lake.

XXVlil. — Note on the Pistobtioks which pbesekt themselves IN THE CuAioiL OP THE Ancient Beitqits. By Josoph Barnard Davis, MJELC.S. Engl. F.S.A. &c,

DTJBnro the lengthened and minute investigation of ancient British skulls, to which I have been impelled by the preparation of the ♦* Crania Britannica," I have been &e<}uently struck with a peculiar flatness in the occipital region prevailing among them. It oft^i extends over a good part of the parietals, about the posterior portion of the sagittal suture, and over the upper part of the occipitid bone*

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