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Vaſt toaſts on the delicious lake,
like ſhips at ſea may ſwim.

Cupid and Bacchus, my gods are;
let love and wine ſtill reign:
With wine I'll drive away dull care,
and then to my love again.


Little Syren of the ſtage,
Charmer of an idle age,
Empty warbler breathing lyre,
Wanton gale of fond deſire.

Bane of every manly art,
Sweet enfeebler of the heart;
Oh, too pleaſing is thy ſtrains
Hence to ſouthern ſtrains again.

Tuneful miſchief, vocal ſpell,
To this iſland bid farewel:
Leave us as we ought to be,
Leave the Britons rough and free.