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Ballads, London, 1912; Spring in New Hampshire, London, 1920. 126-131, 241-242, 244.

Margetson, George Reginald.—Born, 1877, at St. Kitts, B. W. I. 109-111.

Means, Sterling M.—Authorship: The Deserted Cabin and Other Poems, A. B. Caldwell, publisher, Atlanta, 1915. 222-223.

Miller, Kelly.—Born, Winsboro, S. C., 1863. Educated at Howard and Johns Hopkins Universities. Degrees: A. M. and LL. D. Professor and dean in Howard University. Books: Race Adjustment, 1904; Out of the House of Bondage, Neale Publishing Co., New York, 1914. In Who’s Who. 206-209.

Moore, William.—Contributor to The Favorite Magazine. 111-112.

Ray, H. Cordelia.—Authorship: Poems, The Grafton Press, New York, 1910. 257-260.

Razafkeriefo, Andrea.—Born, Washington, D. C., 1895. of Afro-American mother and Madagascaran father. Educated only in public elementary school. Regular verse contributor to The Crusader and The Negro World. 197-198, 247-248, 263-264.

Reason, Charles L.—Born in New York in 1818. Professor at New York Central College in New York and head of the Institute for Colored Youth in Philadelphia. Authorship: Freedom, New York, 1847. 23-24.

Riley, Edwin Garnett.—Contributor to many newspapers and magazines. 262.

Sexton, Will.—Contributor to magazines. 197, 233-234.

Shackelford, Otis.—Educated at Lincoln Institute, Jefferson City, Mo. Authorship: Seeking the Best (prose and verse). The verse part of this volume