Page:Negro servant, an authentic and interesting narrative of a young Negro servant.pdf/24

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See, a strarger comes to view; Though he black, he's comely too; Come to join the choirs above, Singing of redeeming love

Welcome Negro welcome here, Banish doubt and banish fears; Yes, who Christ's salvation prove, Praise and bless redeeming love.

I concluded with some remarks on the nature of salvation by grace, and exhorted all present to press forward in the heavenly race. It was an evening, the circumstances of which had they never been recorded on earth, were yet doubtless registered in the book of remembrance above.

In a few days the Negro was batized; and not long after he went on a voyage with his Master.

Since that time I have not been able to hear any tidings of him; whether he yet wander's as a pilgrims in this lower world, or whether he has joined the heavenly choir in the song of redeeming love in glory, I know not. This I do know, he was a monument of the Lord's praise. He bore the impression of the Saviour's image on his heart, and exhibited the marks of converting grace in his life and conversation, with singular simplicity and unfeigned sincerity.-O! give to God the Glory.

Song of Solomon, i. 5.


Edinburgh: J. Morren, printer,