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30 THE NEGRO AMONG THE ROCKS. PART II. Not many days after the first interview with my Negro disciple; I went from home with the design of conversing with him again at his mas ter's house. The road lay over a lofty down o hill, which commands a prospect of scenery sel dom equalled for beauty and magnificence. I gave birth to silent but instructive meditation: The down was covered with sheep grazing on its pasture. Here and there a shepherd's boy watched over the flock committed to his care. On my right hand, to the south and south-east the unbounded ocean-displayed its mighty waves It was covered with vessels of every size, sailing in all directions. At the south-west of the spot on which I was riding, extended a beautiful bay, bounded by high cliffs. Beyond this lay a range of hills, which meeting with another from the north, bounds a large fruitful vale, whose fields, now ripe for har- vest, proclaimed the goodness of God in the rich provision which he makes for the sons of men. He prepares the corn, he crowns the year with his goodness, and his paths drop fatness. They drop upon the pastures of the wilderness, and the little hills rejoice on every side. The pastures are clothed with flocks; the valleys also are covered over with corn: they shout for joy, they also sing. As I looked upon the numerous ships moving before me, I remembered the words of the Psal- mist; 'They that go down to the sea in ships,