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21 'If you are changed, who changed you?' 'Got the goot Father, Jesus his dear Son, and Got the Holy Spirit.' 'How was any change brought about in you?' 'Got make me a, slave, when me was young, little boy.' 'How, Williams would you say, God made you a slave ?' 'No, Massa, no; me mean Got let me be made slave by white men,to do me goot.' 'How to do you goot?' 'He take me from the land of darkness, and bring me to the land of light.' 'Which do you call the land of light, the West India Islands?' 'No, Massa, they be the land of Providence, but America be the land of light to me for there me first hear goot minister preach.' 'What does the blood of Christ do?' 'It cleanse from all sin. And so me hope from my sin.' 'Are then all men cleansed from sin by his blood ?' 'Oh no, Massa.' 'Who are cleansed and saved ?' 'Those that have faith in him' 'Can you prove that out of the Bible?' 'Yes, Sir, he that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life; and he that believeth not the Son, shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him.' John. iii. SG. 'What is it to have faith?' 'Me suppose that it is to tink much about Jesus Christ to love him much, to believe all he says to be true, and to pray to him very much?' 'And have you such a faith as you describe ?'