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4 'How was that?' Me left father and mother one day at home to go get shells by the sea shore ; and, as I was stooping down to gather them, some white sailor came out of a boat, and took me away. Me never see father nor mother again.' 'And what became of you then?' 'Me was put into ship and brought to Jamaica and sold to a master, who keep me in his house serve him some years ; when, about three years ago, Capt. W-, my master that spoke to you bought' me to be his servant, on board his ship And he be goot master; he gave me my liberty and me live with him ever since.' 'And what thoughts had you about your soul that time before you went to America.' I asked 'Me no care for my soul at all before then!' 'Well, now tell me farther what happened to you in America. How came you there?' 'My master take me there in his ship, and sta there one month, and then me hear goot minister 'And what did that minister say?' 'He said, me was great sinner.' 'What did he speak to you in particular?' 'Yes me think so for there was great many to hear him, but he tell them all about me.' 'What did he say? 'He say, about all the things in my heart.' 'What things?' 'My sin, my ignorance, my know nothing, my believe nothing. The goot minister made me see that me think nothing goot, nor do nothing goot.' 'And what else did he tell you ?' 'He sometimes look me in the face, and say Jesus Christ came to die for sinners, poor black sinners, as well as white sinners. Me thought