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pières! Et elle était svelte et fin d'extrémités, parfaite des qualites. …"

She read on and on, for an hour; then her eyelids dropped, her head sank on the pillow, and she slept, still holding the book. …

The latchkey turning in the lock woke her. She heard Basil stop outside her door, and speak her name in a low voice. She answered, and he came in.

"What are you doing—reading at this time of night?" he asked, frowning slightly, and looking pale.

"Why, what time of night is it?" said Teresa sleepily.

"Oh, late—after two. Look here, you promised me you wouldn't——"

"No, I didn't. Where have you been, you dissipated wretch, tell me that!"

"Oh, nowhere in particular. I met some fellows, and we sat around talking——"

"And drinking?"

"Well, a little——"

"A good deal, I imagine. I thought you said you wouldn't——"

"Well, I wouldn't want to knock about at night, if you'd make it comfortable at home. …"

Teresa made no reply, and after a moment he went out. She braided her hair in the two long braids, turned out the electric light, and lay