Page:Nesting of the Ruby-Throated Hummingbird--Trochilus Colubris.djvu/3

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know, it is a difficult task to reach the nest when it is placed far out on the extremity of a large branch. I will endeavor to explain my method of collecting these and other nests similarly placed. I have, for such occasions, two pieces of very stout twine, with a hook attached to one end of each piece. I toss out the hooks in such a manner that they catch the limb about two-thirds of the distance to the nest. Then I tie the other ends of the strings to a branch farther up the tree.

By so doing the limb will not droop or fall while being cut off and drawn in. However, it must be done with much care, as some branches are heavier on one side. These must be gripped tightly with the hand in order to prevent the heavy side from sagging or rolling over and emptying the nest.