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that the great bulk of those employed by the State on salaries, and by private enterprise as well, are under that age. The majority of them, on reaching thirty, or a greater age, withdraw from the service, obtain land, settle down, and make homes for themselves, many of them afterwards becoming representatives of the people and filling high offices."

I now heard footsteps approaching, and Dr. Exelexeto appeared on the scene.

"Talking politics, eh! Not good for you yet,—might affect the growth of your hair. Something more cheerful. Chat with a young lady. What do you say. Governor?" turning to Yeyema. Then, without waiting for a reply, continued, "Have been to Tehana. Monster excursion in preparation."

"Have you many patients now, doctor?" inquired the Governor.

"No," was the quick response; "only two. They nearly well; approaching gatherings curing them—city getting a holiday appearance—workshops already closing—long holidays this year—don't stay up too long—must be going—have to attend a meeting," and the doctor disappeared as suddenly as he came.

He was scarcely gone, however, when Vandalia