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congratulated me on my recovery, and complimented me on my appearance. Yet I could not help thinking that she was more reserved than usual.

On our way to the residence of the President, we passed throngs of people going to and fro. Some were walking, but the majority were in vehicles. The city looked gay, and there were signs of happiness on every side. The ladies took their seats in the rear of the vehicle, and kept up a conversation among themselves. We occupied the front, and discussed various matters.

Soon after leaving the city, we entered a forest of many kinds of trees, and went along a winding avenue, ascending higher and higher till we could see the sea and city underneath. I could now see the buildings and people ahead, and wondered we had passed through no gateway. I referred to this, and Yeyema remarked the grounds were not enclosed, as there was no occasion for it. I asked if their animals might not stray into them. He replied the animals cropped the herbage only, and did not injure the trees.

On arrival, I was surprised at the grandeur of the edifice, for as yet I had seen none like it in Neuroomia. The entrance was very wide, and sup-