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magnanimity, energy, enthusiasm, and patriotism; but, alas! in too many cases, generally through systems, conditions of life and surroundings, these good qualities gave way to selfishness, indifference, and even despair. Here the period of existence was fully three times that of our people, while during the long space of time intervening between maturity and old age there was little change for the worse. True they were mortals, but they were happy; they lived their life and enjoyed it, quitted it with regret, frequently in the form of slumber, and without pain."

"If you keep on in that strain," she interjected, "I shall begin to feel more content with my surroundings, and less inclined to go abroad. I am aware the people of Neuroomia are happy," she continued, "but have thought it possible for an equal, if not greater, happiness to exist elsewhere. However, I believe you have already almost dispelled that idea," she went on. "I had pictured to myself, in my dreams, seas and islands more lovely than our own, human beings more perfect and fair, and flowers and birds more beautiful."

"You will, I am sure, pardon me," I said, "when I wish you to remember that it was not so