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We began to discuss the situation, and walked leisurely over towards the bank where the Penguin had been fastened. On reaching it, I happened to look at the marks the ropes had made on the tree, and read the words, "LOOK UP," cut in the bark on the side facing the channel. Of course I did look up, and, to my surprise, saw my iron chest (water and fire-proof), in which I kept money and important papers, firmly fixed above me in a fork between the branches. Yondozi also noticed it, and was up the tree in a moment. However, he found it to be heavy, and did not like to let it fall. So I got a rope from the pack, and he lowered it to the ground. I had the key in my pocket, and applied it at once. But I found its aid was not required, for the lock had been broken. It contained several articles, principally provisions, and the following letter, enclosed in an envelope, and addressed to me:—

"Deer Sor,—

"Ass we hav wated a reesunibl long tim, and yu hav not cum back her, we ar deturmind to go hom and lev yu. Yu ort to be back befur. Yu nos i niver kard to cum so fur, fur ther his no wals, no sharks, no big fish her, and peepel that go ex-