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On arriving at the Grove, I found it to consist of a natural depression or elongated basin, at the bottom of which was a small lake, whose dark-blue waters looked lovely in their stillness. Many little streams tumbled over terraces of rocks of various colours, while the superfluous waters of the valley found an outlet through a narrow and precipitous gorge at the opposite extremity. There were several paths leading along the margin of the lake, and on either side of these grew shrubs and trees.

We were among the first to arrive, and with Alvarez for a companion, I found the Grove to be an exceedingly delightful place. We walked through the woods and along the shores, exploring the many natural ferneries and other sheltered nooks.

"Have you seen any places similar to the Grove in other parts of the world?" she inquired.

"Yes," I said, "there are several such depressions,—the grandest, as far as I know, being the Yosemite Valley in California, which, during certain hours, is hardly less beautiful than this."

"And have you not also seen countries that resemble Neuroomia?" she continued.

"Yes," I replied. "Perhaps the regions, as far as beauty and climate is concerned, that most