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to Yeyema. Of course I would tell him of it later on, for in him I had found a true friend; but now I was agitated. There, seated beneath us, in one of the many partially enclosed crannies, was Alvarez, and in earnest conversation with a very handsome young man, whom I had not met before.

If she happened to look up, she could see us, and this made me all the more anxious to look as if I were not the least concerned. I gazed at the pair for a moment, then, without looking towards Yeyema, began to walk in the opposite direction. We had not gone far, however, when Vandalia, who was alone, joined us. This was indeed a relief, and we went to the lower deck, where a dance was about to be commenced. I asked Vandalia if she would become my partner. She consented, and we took our places. I endeavoured to be cheerful, but still I felt mortified, and was wondering if I should have to forget, when Alvarez and her sprightly companion tripped past us, and took their places in the dance. This was unbearable, and I wished the performance was over, in order to get away somewhere, feeling that I cared very little where. The music, however, commenced, and we commenced to dance with it. Although my partner knew the dance thoroughly,