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pleased to term our superior state of happiness, to the more varied conditions that attend our existence?"

"Yes; but only in a measure," I answered. "Still, the people here do not labour in the one channel during their whole lives, as many do with us. However, we are approaching the ice," I remarked, for I could perceive the broken outline of the field stretching along the clear horizon.

"Yes," she said, "we shall soon come to a halt."

"And where is Scalascala?" I inquired.

"Some distance behind us now," was the answer. "We passed the channel leading to it some time before we left the Nocalattan Sea. However," she continued, "I understand that we shall call and stay there some time on our return; but, for the present, the Dorondoro will anchor near the field, in order that the people may land in the boats. You see they are already examining the fixings."

All amusements were now quitted, and the passengers began to crowd ahead, all eagerly gazing on the cold yet sublime scene in front. So we left our seat, and I met Yondozi, who presented me with a pair of skates.

The Dorondoro was now proceeding only at half--