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distance. Towards the north it was ice, ice everywhere, till it reached the sky along the blue horizon. Nor was it cold, for the sun was not obscured by clouds; yet we suffered no inconvenience from its oblique rays.

During this time I saw Alvarez only on one or two occasions, when she came to inquire concerning the extent of the injuries I had received from the ice. On learning, however, that nothing serious had taken place, she again raced off on her skates in company with Omalonzi.

After remaining on the ice for a period equal to three or four of our days, the anchor was raised, and the Dorondoro turned slowly round and headed in the direction of the Nocalattan Sea, on her way to Scalascala.

We were now indeed a merry host, and the adventures on the icefield were discussed with animation. Of course there were a few, like myself, who felt inconvenience from the effects of placing their bodies in rather close proximity to the frozen waste. No limbs, however, were broken, and it was expected that those who were hurt would be well again before we reached our next rendezvous.

Soon after getting on board, we all sat down to a hearty meal, which I believed every one enjoyed