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a mountain home near one of those dreamy lakes. It makes me poetical to think of it."

"Delemia is a noble as well as an attractive girl," he answered; "but though of an extremely romantic disposition, she has been accustomed to society, and I am inclined to the belief that the stage would be more congenial to her active imagination than a secluded home among the mountains; and, farther, if it were otherwise, I am doubtful if she would care to share the enjoyments and drawbacks attending a rural life with me."

"Suppose you try to persuade her," I said.

"I have not changed my views concerning matrimony, and there is therefore no occasion," was the reply.

"Do you not think," I said, "that you would be happier with one of the fascinating girls of Neuroomia for a mate, than by permanently remaining in your present state?"

"Possibly," was the answer; "but in order to realize the felicity of that state, it would be necessary for me to forego enjoyments to which I have grown accustomed. Indeed, it would appear," he continued, "that one happiness is obtained only by the forfeiture of another; therefore, if weighed in the balance, it is questionable which would prove