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withdrawing one iota of the pleasures of existence from the life of another; but here is the object of our discussion approaching, and I shall leave you to form a closer acquaintance with her, and see that you do not become sentimental, for she has charms to please."

Saying this, he walked towards Moro, who was only a little distance off.

True enough, Delemia herself was near, and would have passed me by, were it not that I happened to look towards her and give a glance of recognition. She paused for a moment, but I was already on my feet, and after we had spoken a few words, proposed the middle deck as a better place for obtaining a good view of sea and land, for the Dorondoro was majestically moving near the shore, while headland, cove, and island were slowly following one another to the rear.

"I suppose," I observed, "that we are drawing near Scalascala?"

"Yes," she said, and continued, in her musical voice, "I have not been here before, but have just been told that we are already in the channel, and will soon be in the harbour, and within sight of the city. I understand that you like Neuroomia," she continued.