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I now went ashore to take leave of Yeyema, and saw Vandalia, who introduced me to her mother, Ilimbi, whom I met for the first time. She was a blonde, and much resembled her daughter.

A large number of the passengers made the Dorondoro their home during their stay; but many others, among whom were Vandalia, Yeyema, Delemia, and Yondozi, went to live with their friends in the city or country.

The people were parting, yet the parting was only to be of a temporary character, for it was understood that many would meet again before we left, and such was the case.

After leaving the wharf, we drove through the city, which I found to differ in design from Atazatlan and Tehana. I remarked this to Golonzola, who said that it had always been the express desire of the inhabitants of Neuroomia that their cities should resemble each other as little as possible. The houses were handsome structures, all built of wood, and in line. The buildings were surrounded by spacious gardens, between which were the even streets, overlaid with heavy planking of dark-coloured timber.

On arriving at Golonzola's residence, which was beautifully situated on the banks of a large lake,