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here for a much longer period than I have to spare at present; but I have promised to return by the Dorondoro, and my friends will expect me. However, I intend to have another trip here during the next summer."

Here our conversation was interrupted by the stumbling of one of the animals laden with picnic items. He fell, and the load came to grief. I hurried up to the scene, and with others began to gather whatever eatables were not soiled, and placed them in a fresh pack. I expressed regret to Fudelora at what had happened. She only looked surprised, and observed that trivial accidents of that kind, and over which they had no control, never caused them any concern. Meanwhile, the man who led the animal was patting it on the neck, and appeared to sympathise with it in its misfortune, for both its knees were cut by the hard pebbles.

We entered the forest, which in many respects differed from those of other mountain regions. There was a total absence of undergrowth, and the ground was strewn with small dry twigs and dead leaves. No herbage was to be seen, and the feet of the animals produced a peculiar metallic sound, which indicated the proximity of the rock to the surface whenever they proceeded quickly.