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Meanwhile, a woman came running up, and on looking down, suddenly exclaimed, "My child! my child!"

"He's saved," cried some one. "Estas has saved him."

The unconscious lady was brought to the top, and, true enough, she proved to be Estas, who, after all, was not injured beyond hopes of recovery. The child soon followed, and was found to be little hurt.

All was now clear—Estas had saved the child's life at the risk of her own. Indeed, the occurrence was witnessed by a couple of lovers, who happened to be near, and from the young lady, not from Estas, came the cry. It appears that the child in its play was running towards the precipice, heedless of danger, when Estas noticed him and ran to the rescue. She was just in time to take hold of him as he was going over, but was unable to recover her balance, and both disappeared.

It now occurred to me that Dr. Exelexeto was right—Estas, notwithstanding her many drawbacks, had good qualities, in common with the other women in Neuroomia, and here was ample proof that she also possessed noble ones.