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full of thought. Then, choosing a book, I laid down full length on a couch, and read myself off to sleep.

When I woke up, I sought out my room, and prepared for the meal which happened to be ready.

From my window I could plainly distinguish the colours of the wonderful Polar fountain, and from this I knew that we were again drawing near Neuroomia's greatest city. We sat long at the table discussing various events, and on going out, the, city was right before us, and the Dorondoro bending for the wharf.

After we landed, I took leave of Alvarez, Yondozi, and some more of my friends, who were going to return at once to Atazatlan, then drove with Yeyema to his residence, and once more became his guest.

From the time I first heard Delemia singing, I decided to visit the Tehana theatres on the first opportunity. I made my wish known to Yeyema. He said that he was not going just then himself, as he had State matters to attend to; however, that Vandalia was fond of theatre-going, and would probably be ready to accompany me. She was acquainted with all the principal actors and actresses, also dramatic authors, and would be able to give me introductions.