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quainted, but which evidently took place at a time when the people were less civilized than at present. It, however, proved to be of an intensely absorbing character, and Delemia took a leading part.

At the conclusion, I inquired of Vandalia if the display of passion exhibited were not exaggerated, as it seemed to me not to be in accord with the apparent ease and self-control of the people of Neuroomia. She answered that the artistes always endeavoured to faithfully represent the sentiments and customs of the period to which their drama referred, but at times, notwithstanding the accuracy of their history, it was difficult for them to become acquainted with the incidents that gave tone to events, and the motives that influenced men and manners in past ages.

When we returned, we found Yeyema busy in making preparations for our projected tour to Yacla. I felt something more than a passing interest in this place, and in answer to my friend's query, affirmed that I was ready.

I noticed a nervousness in his actions that I had not witnessed before, nor did he appear to be in his usual spirits. However, I did not think much of the matter, but attributed it to the excitement that some persons are always