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greater size than before. Then they saw a huge globe as it were suspended in the heavens, and coming towards them, growing larger and larger as it approached. Coming between them and the sun and moon, it totally eclipsed the light of both, yet they were not in darkness, for the strange world—a world they now knew it to be—gave out a peculiar kind of lurid light.

Nearer and nearer it came. The terrified inhabitants were now suddenly invigorated and endowed with extraordinary animation. They had tasted of the atmosphere of another world, but almost immediately there was a vibrating shock, and their continent was shattered, the greater portion of it having been pressed beneath the waters of the ocean. Then, as it were, to complete the work of destruction, volcanic disturbances followed on a scale fearful to contemplate. The sea was agitated, subsidences of the land took place, and islands were thrown up in the ocean.

The survivors could distinctly see the great world that was passing before them, and as it gradually moved away into space, kept constantly presenting a fresh surface to their view. They got a glimpse of its deep valleys, which were of immeasurable proportions, extremely beautiful, and