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Their intention was to remain for some time, in order to rest and take in^ if possible, a fresh supply of water and food, for their stock of provisions was becoming uncomfortably low.

During their course up the river they saw many groups of natives along the banks. Their skins were black, and they wore no clothing. They belonged to the lowest order of savages possible, and had a very repulsive appearance, yet they appeared to be friendly, though they carried spears, clubs, and axes. The appearance of the country did not improve as they advanced, so they determined to proceed no farther, and cast anchor.

They were now distant two ellos—about four of our leagues—from the ocean. The natives followed the vessel along the banks, and seemed anxious to trade with them. They brought edible plants and roots, for which, in exchange, they received ornaments. Nearly half the crew went ashore to explore the neighbourhood, and, as they anticipated no treachery on the part of the natives, were unarmed. They were, however, taken on some pretext to an ambuscade a little distance away, and there instantly butchered with spears and axes in the very presence of their comrades, who were unable to render assistance, owing to the large