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accompany him. He said that we could be let down to his floor; but I insisted on walking. On reaching the studio, however, I felt well—only a slight soreness in the eyes. Yondozi welcomed us, and the astronomer, in a few words, explained that the instrument had affected my eyesight, and that he himself was to blame for it.

"I guessed as much," said the geographer, smiling. "However, it is nothing serious," he continued. "My own eyes have been frequently affected by the continued use of optical instruments."

Saying this, he led to the dining-room. And it appeared as if we had been expected, for his attendant had prepared for three. We sat down, and before the meal was over I felt as happy as usual, the mellow light of the electricity appearing to be rather beneficial than otherwise to my eye-sight. The conversation turned upon Mars and its inhabitants, during which I inquired if the other planets were also inhabited.

"I can only answer that question with regard to those nearer the earth, and then only indirectly," was the reply. "It is believed that these are inhabited by races of people living under more happy conditions than ourselves. However," he con-