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We first went round the Gulf. Its shores were very rugged and beautiful, but quite uninhabited. On drawing Yondozi's attention to this, he said the land was not of a fertile description; also that the locality was far removed from the populous centres. "Nevertheless," he went on meditatively, "it is rich in minerals, and I suppose they will be extracted some day; that is, if they should be required. However," he continued, "we shall now make for Cliff Harbour, as it is called. It is on our way to Atazatlan; yet I have not been there for a long time, and it will be new to you."

Saying this, he dexterously turned the vessel round, and made for the entrance. Passing through it, we steered along the coast for some distance, then entered a narrow inlet, which he said led to the Harbour; a little while longer, and we were in a smooth sheet of water, surrounded by precipitous cliffs.