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"Now for Blossom Bay," observed Yondozi, as we were drawing near a number of rocky-green islets, above which hovered swarms of sea-fowl.

We passed through the intricate and narrow channels between them. Meanwhile the Berero twisted in and out, going at times with great speed, at others very slowly; in some places abruptly diving forward, in others gliding along as if she were a living fish in the water.

We passed the entrance to Blossom Bay, and drew in closer to the shore, turning in and out till we found ourselves in a winding channel, apparently running inland. This we followed for some distance, till I could distinctly see land immediately ahead.

"Why, we have come to the end of the passage," I observed.

"No," was the answer. "It is only an island."

On reaching it, I saw two very narrow inlets, one on either side. We entered the larger one, and proceeded very slowly, for there was only sufficient room for the Berero to get through. However, we managed it, and were in Blossom Bay, which had more the appearance of a lake than an arm of the sea. It was completely enclosed by foliage, which drooped down from a great height into the water.