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prietary manner, of one part of my establishment, while my male friends and myself occupied the other. There was an equal number of each sex, and be it said to the advantage of the fair ones, that none of them appeared to have sinister designs on my liberty.

During their stay, however, I spent most of my time in the company of the charming Alvarez, while Onneyubla, who seemed to be a confirmed, though somewhat ancient, flirt, was almost constantly by the side of the fascinating Delemia. In the meantime, my old friend Yondozi was consoled (that is, if he required any consolation, of which, by the way, I am doubtful) by the sweet Vandalia, and with her visited all the romantic places in the neighbourhood.

Previous to leaving, some one proposed a short visit to the mountains in the vicinity. A certain locality was chosen, and on arrival, the animals were liberated, and the company scattered. Alvarez and myself ascended one of the higher peaks, and rested on the summit.

"We shall not have to wait long," she said, "for see how bright the sky is becoming."

"What lovely colours! I never saw a sunrise like this before," I answered. "It surpasses the